
Showing posts from October, 2018

Slow Progress... But Progress All the Same!

It's been a while since I posted our last update o the project.   We got the site staked, which is the surveyor coming in and establishing with pins on the ground where the new structures will be located.  In our case, this is easier said than done, as the new addition and garage have to be square to the house, but also have to be carefully planned so as not to extend over any critical line setbacks or property line setbacks.  We used a combination of the surveyor's pins, the drawings, and some field "adjustments" to get the layout "right".  At least that's what we hope.  We will not know for sure until the surveyor comes back and surveys the now-complete block walls to ensure we haven't crossed over any critical lines.  Site Completely Graded and ready to Layout Footings We had some significant personnel changes occur at the onset of the project, which I am coming to find is a very normal thing.  Getting subcontractors to show up on time...